Wednesday, April 8, 2009

A Spanish Meal

Moorhead's "swarthiest" Spaniard and his wife planned an excellent menu and evening. The meal was delicious from the first sip of Spanish sangria to the last bite of Creme brulee.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Evening in France

The group's first meal was a great success. We sampled several of the quintessential French foods and wines. The evening was filled with excellent victuals and delightful conversation. As predicted, the scintillating parasitologist did get us talking about some surprising dinner topics (bed bugs and parasite life cycles among them), but inquisitive academic types that we are, he had us hanging on his every word. The main topic of conversation was, of course, how delicious all the dishes were. Everyone did a great job, and we are looking forward to our next meal at the Buisan-Twomey household. I can hardly wait...
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Thursday, January 22, 2009

Premier gathering...

The group is getting ready for our first meal. Erika and Joe are hosting and selected a menu in the French tradition. You can view the menu and recipes in this document.